Drawne with th’attractiue vertue of her eyes,
My toucht hart turnes it to that happie cost:
My ioyfull North, where all my fortune lyes,
The leuell of my hopes desired most.
There where my Delia fayrer then the sunne,
Deckt with her youth whereon the world smyleth:
Ioyes in that honour which her beautie wonne,
Th’eternall volume which her fame compyleth.
Florish faire Albion, glory of the North,
Neptunes darling helde betweene his armes:
Deuided from the world as better worth,
Kept for himselfe, defended from all harmes.
Still let disarmed peace decke her and thee;
And Muse-foe Mars, abroade farre fostred bee.