36Cupid coniuredThou purblind Boy, since thou hast beene so slacke,To wound her Heart, whose Eyes haue wounded me,And suff’red her to glory in my Wracke,Thus to my aid, I lastly coniure thee;By Hellish Styx (by which the Thvnd’rer sweares)By thy faire Mothers vnauoided Power,By Hecat’s Names, by Proserpine’s sad Teares,When she was rapt to the infernall Bower;By thine owne loued Psyches, by the FiresSpent on thine Altars, flaming vp to Heau’n;By all true Louers Sighes, Vowes, and Desires,By all the Wounds that euer thou hast giu’n; I coniure thee by all that I haue nam’d To make her loue, or Cvpid be thou damn’d.