As in some Countries, farre remote from hence,
The wretched Creature, destined to die,
Hauing the Iudgement due to his Offence,
By Surgeons beg’d, their Art on him to trie,
Which on the Liuing worke without remorse,
First make incision on each mast’ring Veine,
Then stanch the bleeding, then trans-pierce the Coarse,
And with their Balmes recure the Wounds againe;
Then Poyson, and with Physike him restore:
Not that they feare the hope-lesse Man to kill,
But their Experience to increase the more:
Eu’n so my Mistres workes vpon my Ill;
By curing me, and killing me each How’r,
Onely to shew her Beauties Sou’raigne Pow’r.