32To the Riuer AnkorOur Flouds-Queen Thames, for Ships & Swans is crowned,And stately Seuerne for her Shoare is praysed,The Crystall Trent, for Foords and Fish renowned,And Auons Fame, to Albions Cliffes is raysed,Carlegion Chester vaunts her holy Dee,Yorke many Wonders of her Owse can tell,The Peake her Doue, whose Bankes so fertile be,And Kent will say, her Medway doth excell,Cotswold commends her Isis to the Tame,Our Northerne Borders boast of Tweeds faire Floud,Our Westerne Parts extoll their Wilis Fame,And the old Lea brags of the Danish Bloud; Ardens sweet Ankor, let thy glory bee, That faire Idea onely liues by thee.