17To TimeStay, speedy Time, behold, before thou passe,From Age to Age, what thou hast sought to see,One, in whom all the Excellencies be,In whom, Heau’n lookes it selfe as in a Glasse:Time, looke thou too, in this Tralucent Glasse,And thy Youth past, in this pure Mirrour see,As the World’s Beautie in his Infancie,What it was then, and thou before it was;Passe on, and to Posteritie tell this,Yet see thou tell, but truly, what hath beene:Say to our Nephewes, that thou once hast seene,In perfect humane shape, all heau’nly Blisse; And bid them mourne, nay more, despaire with thee, That she is gone, her like againe to see.